Today is the official start of the Atlantic Hurricane season and now is the time to prepare and stay safe! We are committed to keeping our community informed and prepared for any potential emergencies
By Seven Hills Fire District
June 1, 2023

Hurricanes can bring heavy rains, strong winds, and dangerous storm surges, posing significant risks to our area. However, by taking proactive steps, we can minimize the impact and protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our property.

Here are a few essential tips to help you prepare for hurricane season:

1️⃣ Create an emergency plan: Discuss evacuation routes with your family and establish a designated meeting point. Ensure that everyone knows how to contact each other in case of separation.

2️⃣ Stock up on supplies: Gather essential items such as non-perishable food, drinking water, batteries, flashlights, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications. Don't forget about your pets' needs!

3️⃣ Secure your property: Trim trees and shrubs, secure loose items, reinforce windows and doors, and consider investing in storm shutters. These steps can help minimize potential damage.

4️⃣ Stay informed: Keep an eye on local weather forecasts and alerts. Stay connected with us on social media, tune in to local news stations, and subscribe to emergency alert systems to receive real-time updates.

5️⃣ Check your insurance coverage: Review your insurance policies to ensure they provide adequate coverage for potential hurricane-related damages. Consider flood insurance if you live in a flood-prone area.

Remember, preparedness is a community effort. Let's work together to stay safe, support one another, and overcome any challenges that may come our way during this hurricane season.

Stay tuned for further updates and resources from the Seven Hills Fire District. Together, we can weather any storm!💪🏼🌪️⛈️

#SevenHillsFireDistrict #HurricanePreparedness #SafetyFirst